Sustainability community

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The EPFL Innovation Park is an Ecosystem Partner of the Swiss Triple Impact sustainability program and has set itself 4 major objectives in order to become a Park with a positive impact on society.

The major commitment concerns the companies based at the Park: "By 2027, more than 75% of startups in the EPFL Innovation Park will integrate a sustainability approach into their business model and contribute to the 2030 Agenda".

Swiss Triple Impact program offers Swiss companies a unique chance to lead the way in building a sustainable and inclusive economy.

Don't miss the opportunity to join the next cohort of SwissTriple Impact @EPFL Innovation Park.

Please contact

Tech4Regen fosters collaborations between different stakeholders to help disruptive startups deploy and scale-up their technologies through regenerative business models and strategies. Founded and managed by the EPFL Innovation Park, the accelerator programme aims to reach a critical mass of gifted and skilled leaders, partner institutions, and corporations, to accelerate the mass adoption of regenerative solutions.

Apply to the Tech4Regen startup acceleration program here

Follow Tech4Regen on Linkedin!

Sustainability coaching sessions :

Besustainaball offers personalized coaching on your sustainability issues & strategy at a special EPFL Innovation Park startup rate

- 2 hours online: CHF 250

- 1 hour online & 3 hours face-to-face: CHF 450

Also benefit from other sustainability discounts, extra options, pro bono counseling, accessible through the tenant portal. You will find a list of suppliers and partners offering the best deals to help you integrate sustainability into your business.

The Sustainability Leaders Think Tank aims at gathering and creating links between collaborators of the companies at EPFL Innovation Park interested in Sustainable Development.Topics covered could be: General awareness about CSR; compliance and regulations; sustainable investment; purchasing; market trends; public tenders; digital sobriety; carbon footprint; diversity & inclusion; mobility...

Let us know which topics you and your fellow colleagues would be interested to discuss with the SLTT community.

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