Best deals

Ease of doing business
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Get access to the exclusive best deals provided by external suppliers for companies of the EPFL Innovation Park !

Benefit now from discounts, extra options, pro bono counseling, accessible through the tenant portal.

You will find a list of suppliers and partners offering dedicated best deals to facilitate your activities.

How to benefit?

  1. Log in into the tenant portal
  2. Choose the Best Deals resource
  3. Discover all the best deals
  4. Contact the chosen company, mentioning the assigned promo-code and that you are a company hosted at EPFL Innovation Park.

Should you have any question about these services, or should you wish to recommend suppliers because you experienced premium services which could be an asset for the other companies of the Park please get in touch with Sophie at

More information
Ease of doing business
Connecting the Community
Everyday life


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