Ask the expert

Connecting the community
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This new series of events gives you the opportunity to talk to experts on topics that are essential to your business. A one-hour interaction with a specialist will give you the knowledge you need and save you some precious time!

Regulations and challenges are changing fast, and although crucial for any business, it's hard to keep up to date.  

Working full-time on disruptive innovative projects, it may be difficult to stay informed about everything: changes in the law, latest free trade agreements or available grants or subsidies.  

The EPFL Innovation Park brings you experts in these fields to present a hot topic and the changes and consequences this has on your business.

Ask the expert is a series of events aimed at giving you a competitive advantage and is open for free to the companies of the Park. Themes can as well be suggested by our community and we will look for experts in our networks to find the proper level of expertise.

The structure of the agenda gives you the opportunity to ask a specialist all your specific questions on the topic of interest:  

- Introduction (10’)

- Deep-dive (20’)

- Q&A (30’) or more if needed!

We want to give you every opportunity to grow your business with on-site support.

Audience: Upon registration - for companies of the EPFL Innovation Park only

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Ease of doing business
Connecting the Community
Everyday life


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