Our commitment as leaders in sustainability
The EPFL Innovation Park foundation offers methodologies and project follow-up for deep-tech tenant companies to thrive in sustainability. Whether they are innovation projects, early-stage startups or mature businesses, we sensitize and engage the community of the Park to integrate the concept of sustainability into their product and service development process, and to play an active role in ensuring a healthy and eco-friendly working environment in the Park.

Meaningful innovation
The EPFL Innovation Park is a dynamic ecosystem where meaningful innovation is stimulated, enabling academic research and science to flourish and generate businesses that have a positive impact on society. To maximize the effects, we encourage companies to integrate sustainability into their core strategy right from the start.
As indicated in the report, the EPFL Innovation Park is committed to providing leadership in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are most relevant to the Park and its companies. Strong commitments have been made to contribute concretely to the SDGs that are aligned with our strategic pillars. They are listed below and a sustainability charter has been developed to foster a collective mindset regarding sustainable development within the Park.
Commitment #1
By 2027, more than 75% of startups in the EPFL Innovation Park integrate a sustainability approach into their business model and contribute to the 2030 Agenda. (SDG 8/9/17)
Commitment #2
By 2025, 50% of our main suppliers meet our responsible purchasing criteria and all sign our Supplier Relationship Charter, compared to 2022. (SDG 8/12/13)
Commitment #3
By 2025, we recycle 65% of the waste generated on the EPFL Innovation Park site, compared to 30% in 2022. (SDG12/13)
Commitment #4
By 2023, 100% of new buildings of the EPFL Innovation Park are certified as sustainable construction equivalent to Minergie P Eco or higher and 50% of the remaining existing buildings are certified as sustainable construction equivalent to Minergie by 2030. (SDG 7/9/11/13)
Engaging our community
In line with EPFL's ambitions, the Park provides companies with training courses, workshops and networking events like the ones below, to create a shared sense of responsibility on this issue:
- The Swiss Triple Impact program as Ecosystem Partner helps companies to make concrete commitments for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Testimony from a participant.
- The Sustainability Leaders Think Tank (SLTT), a monthly opportunity to gain knowledge about ESG issues and network with other companies from the Park while exchanging ideas, raising questions and sharing business challenges in the Corporate environment.
- Sharing articles and starting conversations on the Sustainability channel of the EPFL Innovation Park app.
- Social entrepreneurship training - Social entrepreneurship is the use of start-up companies and other entrepreneurs to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues.
- The Swiss Triple Impact program as Ecosystem Partner helps companies to make concrete commitments for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Testimony from a participant.
- The Sustainability Leaders Think Tank (SLTT), a monthly opportunity to gain knowledge about ESG issues and network with other companies from the Park while exchanging ideas, raising questions and sharing business challenges in the Corporate environment.
- Sharing articles and starting conversations on the Sustainability channel of the EPFL Innovation Park app.
- Social entrepreneurship training - Social entrepreneurship is the use of start-up companies and other entrepreneurs to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues.
The GreenTeam @ EPFL Innovation Park
Our internal operations are supported by an active GreenTeam comprising members of all our departments: Sustainability, Real Estate, Infrastructures, User Experience, Training, HR, Accounting and of course our executive management. To encourage our companies and their employees to have a greener mindset at work, the GreenTeam regularly share guides and best practices to implement in the workplace, during home office and even when organizing company events.
Strong sustainability processes, most notably in waste management, energy consumption and mobility, are employed throughout the Park in order to reduce the environmental impact of our infrastructures and activities.
Strong sustainability processes, most notably in waste management, energy consumption and mobility, are employed throughout the Park in order to reduce the environmental impact of our infrastructures and activities.