Modular workspaces - evolving with your growing business

What we offer
Modular workspaces
Support and services
Access to
Included in the lease
The EPFL Innovation Park
Located on the EPFL campus, the EPFL Innovation Park is mainly dedicated to tech startups resulting from a collaboration with EPFL.
If you would like to join that ecosystem, please send us the following information:
- A general Introduction to your organization clearly outlining your project and your goals with a focus on its high-tech and innovative aspects.
- An executive summary (or equivalent) explaining the project in greater depth (one to five pages in length).
- A description of your current or planned collaboration with a Swiss Academic Institution. Please request the individual in charge of the laboratory or research center at the institution in question, to send us an email to confirm this.
- An estimate of your workspace requirements in square meters.
- The date you would like to move in.
The unlimitrust campus
The unlimitrust campus, created by SICPA and located in Lausanne-Prilly, brings together startups, corporations, investors, academics, institutions and other stakeholders in the field of trust technologies to co-create the Economy of Trust. In addition, the unlimitrust campus will host a community space called the Trust Village.
If you would like to join that ecosystem, please send us the following information:
- A general Introduction to your organization clearly outlining your project and your goals with a focus on its high-tech and innovative aspects.
- An executive summary (or equivalent) explaining the project in greater depth (one to five pages in length).
- An estimate of your workspace requirements in square meters.
- The date you would like to move in.
The Campus Biotech Innovation Park
Located next to Campus Biotech, the Campus Biotech Innovation Park offers office spaces for startups and companies working in the field of life science.
If you would like to join that ecosystem, please send us the following information:
- A general Introduction to your organization clearly outlining your project and your goals with a focus on its high-tech and innovative aspects.
- An executive summary (or equivalent) explaining the project in greater depth (one to five pages in length).
- An estimate of your workspace requirements in square meters.
- The date you would like to move in.